
在资本, our 数学 program combines classroom learning with real-world experimentation. Your study begins with a strong foundation of math topics, 包括微积分和数学证明. 从那里, we'll take a deeper look into linear and abstract algebra, 微分方程和高级微积分. 在你大三和大四的时候, you will join fellow students in presenting your own research at various seminars. Our focus and commitment to give undergraduate students first-person research opportunities is something unique to 资本. If you are interested in a 数学 education degree, your courses will be customized to reflect an education with licensure focus.


  • 数学
  • 数学教育执照
  • 数学小


Providing meaningful answers to challenging problems.

Whatever career you choose, you'll need the knowledge and skills to solve problems. 数学会教你怎么做.


A degree in mathematics offers you possibilities to choose a career path that is interesting to you and impactful to the world. Math graduates can apply their skills to careers in medicine, 法律, 数据科学, 生物技术, 国家安全, 软件工程——仅举几个例子. 雇主 seek graduates who have the ability to think independently, creatively, and critically. But beyond that, they want individuals who are driven to seek answers to important questions. A math degree gives you the skills and training to make that sort of contribution, 在你选择的任何行业.


  • 研发经理
  • 设计工程师
  • 控制器
  • 物料经理
  • 精算师
  • 计算财务经理



Of Grads are Employed or in Grad School Within 6 Months of Graduation





威尼斯人平台 is located adjacent to Columbus, Ohio. Our proximity to Columbus allows students to take advantage of the area’s bustling business and technology sectors, which offer a wide variety of internship and employment experiences. Many of our students also gain important experience through campus employment positions by serving as paid tutors and laboratory supervisors in any one of our math and science labs. 资本’s 暑期学者计划 is an additional paid opportunity for undergraduate research. 在这10周的研究经历中, students are paired with a faculty mentor who will supervise an approved research project. Students earn a stipend and housing allowance, and can apply for additional funding for research.


数学 faculty members at 资本 are committed to the University’s mission to provide personalized quality education. This commitment is especially reflected in your professors’ willingness to provide support outside of the classroom. Our faculty are knowledgeable about the most current and best use of computing technology to enhance student learning in the field of mathematics.

And we understand the relationship and synergy of math to other disciplines. Our program curriculum includes complementary and supporting courses in the sciences, 编程, 组合, 中间统计. 在你大三和大四的时候, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in a departmental seminar that features your original research, giving you the chance to share your unique work and discoveries with others.


Our mathematical graduates have found employment as research and development managers, 设计工程师, 控制器, 材料管理人员, 精算师和计算财务经理, 还有数学教育者. 以下是我们的一些毕业生就业的地方:

  • 巴特尔纪念研究所
  • 美国电力公司
  • 全国保险
  • 主教哈特利
  • Pickerington学校
  • 全国儿童医院
  • 亨廷顿银行
  • 安全的汽车


  • 微积分I, II,和III
  • 证明
  • 线性代数
  • 微分方程
  • 计算科学概论
  • 抽象代数



Students who are interested in earning a 数学 with 教育al Licensure degree complete many of the same courses at traditional mathematics majors, and then add supplemental education requirements from the Adolescent to Young Adult Teacher licensure program. College Geometry and the 历史 of 数学 are two additional courses for required for math education students. With this degree, our graduates are prepared to teach mathematics in grades 7-12 in Ohio schools. Specific course requirements for the 数学 教育 program can be found in the Undergraduate Bulletin.


在资本, we are committed to providing high-impact educational experiences to our students during their time at 资本. Through funding gifts from alumni and friends of the University, 我们很高兴为您提供暑期学者项目, a 10-week paid research experience to undergraduate students. The Program requires students to complete a proposal guideline that outlines the research project software, 以及完成工作的设备. Summer Scholars requires an application and acceptance into the program, 完整的10周承诺完成所有研究, and presentation at the Summer Scholars Final Presentation event held in August. All Summer Scholars receive a stipend for participation and a campus housing allowance, and are eligible to apply for additional funding for research supplies. For more information regarding the application process, 指导方针和期望, 以及提案细节, 威尼斯人官网我们的 暑期学者计划 页面.

"I remember walking onto the campus for the first time and seeing students sitting around and studying at the fountains. What made 资本 stand out was that the students were talking to each other. That was the type of closeness that I wanted to experience at my future college. 没有哪所学校像资本这样适合家庭. The small class size gives me personal connections with all of my professors, and I have been successful in my studies because of this."







